Welcome to my blog: Harry the Money Spinner. Researching ways to make more money is not only my hobby but also my passion. Here you will find ways on how to generate extra income. Not all ideas may be up your alley but I'm sure you will find some that are! Either way you'll be presented with ideas that you may not have thought of before. You'll also find tips on budgeting and making the most of what you have already. Check back often and feel free to leave any good money making ideas you've come across.

This blog is intended to help bring ideas to the reader which may help him/her generate extra income. While I cannot guarantee any positive financial results I wish to bring a blog with resources that may be of help.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Successful Property Investing

1) Creating a plan and strategy for your investment portfolio
You need to know where your heart is in terms of property investment. What, where, and how to buy an investment property are the questions that need to be answered before you sign on mortgage papers.
2) Selecting and purchasing a investment property. Research and find a realtor who know investment properties.
3) Mortgage advice and mortgage broker selection
There are thousands of mortgage brokers and most will say “I can get the best rates and terms in the shortest amount time”. Be careful it's your mo ey. Choose the best broker who will work for you!
4) Contractor selection if any repairs are needed
Most of the time when somebody buys an investment property, there are deficiencies that need to get done before a tenant moves in. Sink is leaking, heat is not working, the kitchen sink is clogged and these are some examples of what happens in rental units. Having a right contractor (who does not ask you for 50% up front) on hand and ready to work is crucial.
5) Advertising your rental property
Where and how you advertise your property really does matter. Basically, the question is, where are you going to find a qualified tenant. It is easy to find a tenant but to find a good one who will actually pay on time is sometimes a challenge.
6) Choosing a tenant
Choosing a right tenant is crucial in your overall property investment strategy. You have to know the landlords and tenants rights when it comes down to tenancy.